Universal Concepts to Winning Poker
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About the Book
Behind The Stare is a book geared for mid-level players seeking to improve their game and their bottom line. The concepts introduced are universal in nature and can be applied to all forms of poker.
A poker game elicits an enormous number of behaviors in and around it. By becoming more aware of both yourself and those around you; you can improve your skills by learning where to focus your wits and resources. Review new statistical data about the game, its' players and how live games differ from Internet games. See how this information can help you create a more realistic perspective to the game itself. Discover the relationship between your expectations, your strategy and your results. Explore the social fabric that we are all a part of and how it affects the game of poker. The benefit comes both from improving certain skills while learning not to succumb to some basic instinctual responses. The payback for this knowledge is almost immediate and will last a lifetime.About the Author
Reid has had the opportunity to work on both sides of the table. Aside from playing winning poker for about 20 years, he has also been a casino manager, gamming consultant and strategic business analyst.