The Transform Diet
Transforming the world one body at a time starting with you
Book Details
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About the Book
- Learn the 1987 discovery from Stanford University doctor Gerald Reaven with the help of Iowa State University and Dr. Barry Sears that insulin effects 75% of all people and that carbohydrates must be counted or they will spill over to fat
- Learn all of Brett's tricks like the 1994 discovery of the hormone leptin allowing us a cheat meal once per week after 4 weeks of dieting. He explains precisely how to release it in the body every week thereafter
- The Transform Diet tell us that by doing 12-15 minutes a day of vigorous training instead of 1 hour of slow walking on a treadmill burns up to 3 times more calories and starts the "after burn" process which is the burning of calories and fat for up to two days.
- With the help of the best scientist, biologists and doctors in the world He proves what positive affects distilled water has on the body
- The Transform Diet goes head to head with Dr. Mehmet OZ (Oprah Winfrey's doctor) and explains how the body is a "machine" and waiting until your hungry to eat is a mistake slowing the metabolism and storing body fat
- The challenge is to find a diet book on any shelf, that is more precise, detailed, structured, and as simple as this - It doesn't exist
- The Transform Diet is a blueprint on how to eat correctly. Brett shows how specific foods prove to harden the body VS what doesn't
- The book is tailored for both men and women, and weeds out fact from fiction
- Mr. Salisbury has gathered the best information from the greatest thinkers in the world, with the latest research, and finally put it into one book in a very easy to follow format
The challenge is to find a diet book on any shelf, that is more precise, detailed, structured, and as simple as this - It doesn't exist
About the Author
Brett Salisbury, C.S.N. After receiving a full scholarship in 1986 out of high school to Brigham Young University and four years later to the University of Oregon. He became a successful model in Milan and Scandinavia, playing pro football in Europe (Quarterback) and has over 23 years of expertise on nutrition and exercise physiology