Breakthrough Partnering

Creating a Collective Enterprise Advantage

by Patricia E. Moody



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/4/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 288
ISBN : 9781450279789

About the Book

Breakthrough Partnering should be required reading for anyone involved in supply management or training.” – Paul Brault, Corporate Director of Supplier/Customer Training Motorola University Breakthrough Partnering is loaded with contemporary examples of supplier partnerships and it contrasts them with the ‘old time religion’ of bidding, leverage, and voluminous planning. Readers should come away with insights on how to transition from their old tenets to a newfound faith in the power of teamwork in supplier partnerships.” – Robert W. Hall, co-founder of Assn. For Mfg. Excellence “Provides people involved with an outsourcing strategy in manufacturing with an excellent, hands-on approach…. Breakthrough Partnering should be part of the implementation process for companies looking for practical experience in manufacturing partnerships.” – Robert LeValley, Director of East Coast Operations, Solectron, Inc. Breakthrough Partnering offers an accurate account of how successful companies create good customer/supplier relationships in today’s World-Class market.” – Jeff Shaw, VP of Operations, Picture Tel Corporation

About the Author

Patricia E. Moody, a management consultant and business writer with over thirty-five years experience in manufacturing and supply chain management, was named by Fortune magazine A Manufacturing Hero for her role in saving Johnson & Johnson during its Tylenol poisoning crisis. She has been featured on CNN, in Fortune’s Aspen Conference, has keynoted hundreds of business conferences as well as the National Academy of Engineering, Harvard Business School, APICS and corporate leaders such as Mead Corporation, Nypro. Her other books include Powered by Honda, The Kaizen Blitz, The Technology Machine, The Incredible Payback, The Purchasing Machine, The Perfect Engine, The Big Squeeze – Ten Ways to Cut Your Spend Right Now, and The Falls. (2012)