Common Sense Revisited
A Commentary on our Government
Book Details
About the Book
Common Sense Revisited is an effort to reflect on the government created by the founding fathers as it has come to exist in our world today. In reality the author does not see any resemblance at all. Using the simple process of identifying the provisions of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, the author demonstrates how the government today rejects them completely at will.
This analogy is best demonstrated in exposing certain myths about out government that have served to hide government perfidy. We are not "a nation of laws" as the government so often proclaims. One need only understand that the Constitution set out laws to govern the government of this nation. Yet, the government does not abide these rules. Thus if the government does not obey the laws that govern it, it is totally unreal to expect the people to be governed by illegal laws made by that government.
We, the people, must make the government obey the laws so that we may live in the security that this nation was intended to provide.