[From the Ready-to-Use Communion Meditations section]
Family Traditions
Families develop traditions. Does your family have a tradition about where it eats Thanksgiving dinner? Do you have traditions about Christmas decorations or when the presents are opened? Does your family have a reunion they traditionally hold each summer? Every family has some traditions.
God’s family also has traditions. In ancient Israel on of the traditions was called the Passover. Each year, each family gathered to kill and roast a lamb. This tradition is rooted in God’s deliverance of the ancient Israelites from slavery. Exodus 12:21-23 tells about the original observance:
“Then Moses summoned all the elders of Israel and said to them, ‘Go at once and select the animals for your families and slaughter the Passover lamb. Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood on the top and on both sides of the door frame. Not one of you shall go out the door of his house until morning. When the LORD goes through the land to strike down the Egyptians, he will see the blood on the top and sides of the door frame and will pass over that doorway, and he will not permit the destroyer to enter your houses and strike you down.’”
The annual tradition of eating a Passover meal reminded the Israelites of God’s deliverance from slavery in Egypt. We are God’s family today. We also have a tradition. The Lord’s Supper reminds us of God’s deliverance from sin. Jesus’ blood, like that of the Passover lamb, protects us from God’s judgment upon sin. This observance reminds us of the blood Jesus shed for us.
[From the Recipe for a Good Meditation section]
How to Use the “Ideas” Section
You are the key to delivering effective meditations. I strongly believe that you have interesting ideas and stories to use. This section will help you discover and tap the illustrations in your own life.
Each topic in this section highlights a principle related to the offering or communion. Each topic contains four parts.
First, a key verse containing the principle is quoted.
Second, one or more references to other Scripture passages that teach the principle is quoted.
Third, the “Points” list in each topic gives choices of several main points that could be made. As you read and reflect on the Scriptures you may think of more. Select one main point to emphasize.
Fourth, the “Illustration” list gives starter ideas for stories and illustrations. Rather than just reading these items in your meditations, use them to bring your own experiences to mind. Personal illustrations and true stories are highly effective. Several examples used in this book came from my personal experience. You also have some great stories that can be used for meditations. Let the illustration starters help you find them.
Mix and match these elements to create your own meditations. Remember the formula: use one Scripture and one illustration to make one point.
This list can also help you keep variety. Try highlighting a different principle each time you give a meditation.
The references here do not exhaust the supply for the offering or the Lord’s Supper. Literally dozens of passages teach about the death of Jesus. Passages describing Jesus’ death or explaining its meaning can also be used for the Lord’s Supper. The Bible also contains examples of people presenting offerings to God. Many of these can be used for offering meditations.