Woman, Behold Thy Son!
A Brief Introduction to Eisegetical Mariology
Book Details
About the Book
The role of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the mystery of salvation history is a topic that has undergone a significant amount of exploration in biblical scholarship—most often with ostensibly exegetical approaches, rarely acknowledging scholars’ underlying biases. Woman, Behold Thy Son! adopts a contrasting eisegetical approach, openly holding a predilection and bias in favor of the Roman Catholic Church’s magisterial teachings on Mary, treated and interpreted from the author’s peculiar and idiosyncratic perspective. He considers his own journey of faith—an effort to deal with his doubts and seek understanding for what he believes in and for what the Roman Catholic Church defines and proposes for belief. This study reflects on the role of Mary in salvation history, examining the dogmas about her and pondering the effects of her importance throughout the Catholic faith. In this little but powerful book is contained very profound and significant exploration of the essential mysteries of life, logic, sanctity, faith, knowledge, hope and searching insight on Marian esteem, all of which is expressed with rare economy and wit. Woman, Behold Thy Son! is a must-read for all who dare to seek enlightenment, well within reason—full of meaning. —Dr. Ogochukwu Promise
About the Author
Onyekwelu Paulinus Anaedu is a priest of the Catholic diocese of Awka, Nigeria. He currently resides and works in the diocese of Linz, Austria. He holds a master’s degree in intercultural studies (MIS) and a doctorate in biblical theology, both from the University of Salzburg, Austria. His other published works include God’s Name Is not Jehovah (1998), The Roman Catholic Priesthood: An Experience (2006), and The Da Vinci Myth of the Sacred Feminine (2007).