Faces Are Three of Virtuosity

How to Discover and Develop Your Inner Creative-Genius

by Michael André Fath



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/29/2016

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781532014574
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781532014567
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781532014550

About the Book

Without getting into too much detail, my professional life has unfolded thusly. There will be many omissions. No matter, though, as the decades have literally melded this author’s recollections into a real but vast nostalgia. There are enough memories left over to give you a truthful picture. How does one recall everything? It’s accurately impossible, but I can assure you that my vocational voyage has been the greatest of rides. And I anticipate, with boundless enthusiasm, the entire rest of my life here on earth. Remember to use the things you love in your life, whatever they may be, and touch them with your mind, body, and soul. Literally, believe in the connection of thought and process. Search for your creative genius. It’s waiting with open arms!

About the Author

Michael André Fath is an internationally acclaimed rock and fusion guitarist and producer, with hundreds of recordings to his credit, and is currently playing with two national acts: Here, Now and Forever and RavenSong. He has also gathered considerable critical success with his two recent novels, The Girls of Yesterday and The Village Squires – Tales of Mayhem and Revenge. Similarly, his previous books of verse, Reflections of Darkness and Light and Amor est Conceptualis, have been equally regarded. Michael’s extensive martial arts resume is greatly reflected in related professional endeavors, including owning and operating The Blue Chip Academy, as well as training numerous military, police and civilian clients. As well, he is in the beginning stages of another career phase, that of motivational speaking, being accepted into the rosters of prestigious American and international companies. Michael is clearly, though, defined and motivated by his two daughters Jade and Sierra, who have grown into happy, beautiful and professional young women that are clearly his soul mates, friends, confidants and proof positive of God’s existence.