Eternal Rhapsody

A Sonnet Sequence of Apocalyptic
Visions and Portraits

by Don Beach



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/2/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9780595356485
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 122
ISBN : 9780595672530

About the Book

What was before Creation is not known
By mortal intellects this Mystery
Is only understood by God alone,
Who spoke the Word, and all things came to be.
Omnipotence looked out on emptiness,
And Chaos suddenly was cast aside,
The universe replaced it with success,
When light outran the darkness with one stride.
For space and time were brought into the game,
And then the void began to disappear,
Thus nothing was no more space overcame
The empty depths, and time at last was here.
So Truth, before the Cosmos was designed,
Was only known to God's Omniscient Mind.

-Sonnet 12 of Eternal Rhapsody

About the Author

Don Beach holds a BA and MA in English and creative writing and has published many poems in anthologies and magazines. He resides in Los Angeles, California.