Terror In America!

A Muslim Surviving the Federal Prison System

by Remy P. Tucci & Frank M. Tucci



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/18/2004

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 287
ISBN : 9780595772896
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 287
ISBN : 9780595666072
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 287
ISBN : 9780595324965

About the Book

Terror In America: A Muslim Surviving the Federal Prison System may benefit from the conversational approach that is taken by the authors of the material. They have also designed the text to be accessible to the readers while carrying impact through references to personal struggle, catharsis, and a strong insightful criticism of today's societal forces.

About the Author

Terror in America: A Muslim Surviving the Federal Prison System is a true story in which the authors blend personal testimony involving crime and incarceration with a strong commentary on the racial dynamics that play a role in the cycle of oppression, reaction, and imprisonment.

The Tuccis will soon retire in Remy?s native country of the Philippine Islands, dividing their time between family on Cebu and Ormoc islands. Frank also hopes to interview and write a book on the country?s former first lady Mrs. Imelda Romauldez Marcos.