Red State, Blue State

Defending the Liberal Jesus and Blue State Morality from Red State Religion and Hypocrisy

by John Grevstad



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/22/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 257
ISBN : 9780595344840
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 257
ISBN : 9780595792429

About the Book

The presidential election of 2004 demonstrated that the United States is divided in a number of ways-not only, by the ever-present alienation between conservatives and liberals. Religion and politics have become intertwined and a new trend is sweeping the nation that accompanies the ever-widening rift between conservative and liberal Christians. We are a divided nation.

In Red State, Blue State, author John Grevstad challenges the ideals and morality of the conservative right. How would the traditional moral values of the Red State conservative hold up to the words and philosophy of Jesus Christ himself? Grevstad both asks and answers the question. Citing Biblical text, Grevstad alleges that Jesus was a "card-carrying liberal" whose message has been destroyed by Red State conservatives. Additionally, Grevstad uses a humorous tone and clever insights as he compares the lifestyle, values, and culture of Red States and Blue States. These comparisons are intelligent, controversial, and enlightening.

Red State, Blue State is an entertaining and eye-opening contribution to the cause of the American liberal. It offers profound insights while being a clever, highly volatile, and courageous attempt to speak out and do something about the political and religious climate of this country.

Red State, Blue State is filled with words of wisdom the country needs to hear.

About the Author

John Grevstad is a high school English teacher. He lives in the Pacific Northwest.