Aliens On The Internet
Book Details
About the Book
The Lord has not left us defenseless. In the last days two groups of 144,000 will rise up to battle against the Antichrist and the False Prophet and to witness Yahweh's salvation to the world at a time when the world will be ripe in judgment, destruction and horror.
There is nothing new about the NWO. It is the same type of government Lucifer tried to run as a high ranking cherub before he rebelled against the Most High God before he lost his rank, kingdom, and even home planet.
Author Sherry Shriner reveals the terrifying reality of aliens in our midst in Aliens on the Internet. She exposes Lucifer's alleged tactics of using the Internet, chip implantations, abductions, and how to fight back by deactivating implants and stopping abductions. She also reveals how churches have been used to bring about Lucifer's rise to power, and how America has become the home base of operations for Lucifer and his aliens.
Today the governments, militaries, churches, and religious television networks of the world work in cahoots with Satan behind the scenes to help bring the world under his control. The saints are under attack.
About the Author
Sherry Shriner is also the author of Bible Codes Revealed: The Coming UFO Invasion.