Afromerica the Book

Black Minds Across America

by CR Hamilton



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/31/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 174
ISBN : 9780595357109

About the Book

Though some would believe Black America has made progress since the days of blatant racial oppression, there remain those of us who identify newer forms of the same oppression. In areas of politics, economics, education and the many other areas across the social spectrum, Blacks continue to face difficulties where it pertains to achieving self-sufficient success in America.

From the minds of diverse Blacks living in America, Afromerica the Book: Black Minds Across America, brings insight from various perspectives that address problems in various areas, informs of current events as it relates to Blacks, and enlightens the Black mind to strategies needed to develop effectively as one people.

Without attributing the struggles of Black America entirely to the actions of whites in America or the American system, we also address the shortcomings of Blacks themselves and how we can overcome and turn those shortcomings into positive and productive energy. To have this knowledge is the beginning of true liberation for Blacks in America.

About the Author

Born and reared Black in America, through life experience and acute psychoanalysis, CR Hamilton?s collaboration with like-minded people confront issues facing Black Americans and implement viable solutions. The Afromerica web domain is the gathering point and the Afromerica Liberation Movement (ALM) is the mobilizing power from chapters throughout the nation.