Seeking an Alliance

A Psychiatrist's Guide to the Indian Matrimonial Process in America

by Chandran Kalyanam



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/26/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 170
ISBN : 9780595313846

About the Book

Nothing intrigues us more than how two people come together and fall in love. The question of "How did you two meet?" may be answered by a charming story of one couple's good luck. And yet another happy relationship may have started on a blind date.

Tales of traditionally arranged marriages in India shock many Westerners. Since the Indian community has grown in the West, the updated rules make the current approach less shocking.

Unlike any other book previously, Seeking an Alliance uniquely describes the current Indian matrimonial process in America. From psychological viewpoints to practical matters, Seeking an Alliance vividly illustrates the issues to consider along with helpful examples.

Without the benefit of a "how to" manual, Dr. Kalyanam is an Indo-American psychiatrist who had to learn much along the way to his eventual marriage. In Seeking an Alliance, he serves as a guru to single people from an Indian background who may be considering the matrimonial process. Based on thorough research and vast experience, Dr. Kalyanam's insights and humor also speak to the family members traditionally involved in the proceedings.

Everyone can learn how the Indian community blends old and new and the effects on dating and relationships.

About the Author

Born in India and raised in the U.S., Chandran Kalyanam graduated Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Massachusetts. After attending Jefferson Medical College, he did his residency at Brown University. He is in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh and is happily married with two children. Visit his Website at: