The America I Once Knew-Vanishing But Not Forgotten

A World War II Veteran Takes a Critical View of the Foibles of American Society

by Charles Salm



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/21/2002

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9780595652471
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9780595256709

About the Book

If you enjoy reading a perspective on life that can be only be obtained from a member of the Greatest Generation, you have selected the right book. Chuck Salm entertains you with a series of essays that will strike a responsive chord, not only with his peers, but also with patriotic Americans of all ages. Forget political correctness and apologies for the wayward and the incompetent in our society. Don’t look for excuses that cover for our self-serving politicians. You may, at times, be offended—even outraged. You may also be delighted, heartened and encouraged by knowing that someone out there thinks like you do and does not shy away from writing the very things you believe in. To be sure, you will be entertained every step of the way. Read on!

About the Author

Chuck Salm is a World War II veteran who resides with his wife, Lorraine, in Florida. He served in the Navy where he saw duty on the Russian Run and the Normandy Invasion. He was born in 1924 in Chicago and was the youngest of nine children. Chuck prides himself in his education obtained at The School of Hard Knocks.