The Lord shall "Suddenly" Come to his Temple
A meditation on the inner experience of the "second coming" of Jesus Christ
Book Details
About the Book
I am not Jewish, but on Yom Kippur (atonement day) of 1992, my "hour" of judgment was suddenly upon me. In time I realized Israel (a code name) and Jesus Christ are revealed together in his "second coming", because the virgin of Israel brings him forth within the sons revealed on Mt Sion, a place within our soul.
For 26 years, since age 14, I believed I was born again because I had accepted Jesus as my personal Savior. I was a gentile, not an Israelite, so I didn't feel compelled to understand Israel or the Old Testament except as it listed the prophecies of Jesus.
Yet suddenly my whole world was desolated in the twinkling of an eye, and shaken in this second coming. In time I was able to grasp the purpose of judgment, which is to create a new heaven (subconscious mind) and a new earth (a full consciousness of God). Jesus Christ said to Israel, your house (heart) will be left desolate and you won't see me again till you say, "Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord". Jesus also said, when you see the serpent lifted up, you will know I am who I said I am. I saw both these signs. These and Jonah are the signs seen by the last generation of Israel as they enter their Sabbath rest, and are revealed to themselves in Jesus Christ.
About the Author
I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior at age 14 in a little Baptist Church in Phoenix Arizona, where I reside to this day. By age 17 I met my husband, had both my children by age 21 and didn?t understand the Bible spoke of an ?individual? return of Jesus Christ to every man in his own order (I Corinthians 15) till age 40, when I too had the same experience as the apostle Paul and prophets of old. I am almost 53 and have been writing about this one time event for the past thirteen years and this is my latest and most complete attempt to explain it with as much simplicity and clarity as I am able. Even if I am not understood by many Christians, I know those who have also experienced their ?hour? to enter the Kingdom, will find a familiar voice heard and understood by those who also have been given the ?mind of Christ? to know the spiritual meanings of the Bible.