The Lucketts

by Ivo Greenwell



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/16/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9780595258130
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 252
ISBN : 9780595653546

About the Book

Seldom in the history of man has there been a time when individual freedom and aspirations led to the formation of a great nation, as that which took place in 19th century America. This is the Luckett's story in that great century of expansion. It is a story of stubborn pioneer spirit and creativity, war and peace, hate and greed, suffering and happiness. But most of all, the Lucketts show us how our ancestors lived, prospered, and died. Thereby, creating the basis for us to understand and protect what we have been given and vanquish those who would take it away.

About the Author

Ivo Greenwell was born in Tulsa, OK in 1920. He served in World War II, a member of "The Burma Bridge Busters". He has written articles and stories in numerous periodicals. He enjoys writing about history and americana. He is very proud of his four daughters, grandchildren, and great grandchildren.