The Year of My Death

by Kenny Felderstein



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/27/2003

Recognition Programs

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781462078202
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 132
ISBN : 9780595289189

About the Book

Mark Brown, a business executive, had a vivid dream he would live until the year 2038. Months later a horrific plane crash occurs. Just before the crash, Mark grabs the arm of the passenger next to him, Howard Bowman, and tells him to hold on because he is going to live until the year 2038. At the hospital, Mark and Howard are told they are the only ones to survive.

Lauren Rifkin, a tabloid investigator, finds out about Mark's dream and what he said to Howard before the crash. She and her Chief Editor, Weaver, convince Mark they can make him a major personality if they promote his dream as a premonition.

The plan works, but the price of fame and fortune turns out to be higher than Mark anticipated. There are some who will benefit if they can cause him to have another near-death experience and others who want to challenge his so-called premonition by killing him before the year 2038.

The Year of My Death is a thriller, but what lies beneath is the opportunity for hope.

About the Author

Kenny Felderstein has over 25 years of executive experience in the computer and data communications business. He led the launch of the first laser printer and the first desktop publishing software.

Mr. Felderstein is the author of the successful book Never Buy a Hat if Your Feet Are Cold. He lectures to students and business people on taking charge of their career and their life.

A graduate of Saint Joseph?s University in Pennsylvania, Mr. Felderstein currently lives in Marina Del Rey, California.