A Woman's Story of Business Success and Inner Peace

by Lynne Leahy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/13/2004

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 138
ISBN : 9780595778058
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 138
ISBN : 9780595315550
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 138
ISBN : 9780595763696

About the Book

Divine Destiny Is A Path Not A Place

Soul Survival invites you to take a fresh look at corporate culture and your everyday work life. Author Lynne Leahy has demonstrated the power of Soul Survival principles for 30 years. “I was as low as a human being can go; a welfare mom, broke, sick, depressed, uneducated, addicted to drugs, filled with fear, hopeless and helpless.”

Now I am President/CEO of a successful company, a devoted mother, and grandmother. I love and am loved by a multitude of friends. I live most days filled with peace, joy, and a sense of divine purpose.

What Amazon readers say about Soul Survival in Corporate America:
- “readers will learn ways to integrate their work life with their personal values”
- “provided me with peace and confirmation that I am on the right path with my personal beliefs in corporate work world”
- “principles based on the author's real life work experiences told through entertaining stories with amazing honesty”

Since the first publication of Soul Survival in 2004 Lynne sold her corporation for several million dollars and has written a new workbook “Fearless Vision Project” to help others visualize and achieve their dreams.



About the Author

Lynne Leahy is an inspiring business leader, keynote speaker and entrepreneur. She is a single mother of two sons, has one grandchild and has lived in heart of the Silicon Valley her entire life. Always motivated by the visionary culture of Northern California, she is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and others to actualize their dreams.