Dr. Lively's Ultimatum

Cloud Seeding Stops Destruction From Drought and Asteroid Fallout

by Waylon Livingston



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/21/2004

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 270
ISBN : 9780595667321
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 270
ISBN : 9780595330362

About the Book

The wary politician submits to the subtle pressures from the President's scientific advisor. He will listen to the far-out plans of a decorated weather controller during the Vietnam war. Dr. Lively's condition for bringing an end to the drought in the Western States is to have an unprecedented Federal License to make rain. The primary purpose of the permit to stop the drought is to shield his secret plans to control the devastation of an object from outer space when it collides with the earth.

For the first time in 65 million years the earth is at imminent risk of total annihilation. Can a timely plan be developed to contain the devastating effects of the asteroid after it collides with the earth?

Considering his chances for reelection unless he begins an effort to relieve the drought, the senator weighs his options. After heated discussions he agrees that the renowned scientists who predicted this event for more than seven centuries must be taken seriously.

It remains to be seen if the expert and his team of eminent scientists can deliver on the challenges they have accepted.

About the Author

Mr. Livingston was reared on a drought plagued West Texas farm. He has more than 15,000 hours of military and civilian flying in weather control, hurricane and typhoon research. He pioneered cloud seeding as a military weapon system in Vietnam. He lives with his wife of over 50 years in Midland, Texas.