Corporate America: Surviving Your Journey Towards Success

by Nichel Anderson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 2/19/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 169
ISBN : 9780595268184
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 1
ISBN : 9781469782546

About the Book

Corporate America: Surviving Your Journey Towards Success is much more than just a good read, more importantly it's an invaluable tool that one can utilize and apply throughout their career. This wonderful book not only tells but also shows by numerous examples "how" to succeed. Containing everything from hands on exercises to recommended daily rituals, from locating and utilizing career counselors to providing input from various professionals, this book is all encompassing for everyone, at any level in their career. – Monalisa D. Moody, Editor/Founder, Profound Word Magazine


Anderson takes a creative observation into corporate politics in the pursuit of succeeding the trials and tribulations. Beginning with our attitudes that are crucial to surviving the journey, Anderson outlines pertinent questions that are answered by CEO's, managers, and non-salaried employees to overcome pitfalls in corporate America.

Corporate America: Surviving Your Journey Towards Success presents an exceptional investigation of the working relations with fellow colleagues in a successful and fulfilling approach. A great resource for current corporate America workers as well as college students beginning their career in Corporate America, in order to discover what to expect and how to succeed.

About the Author

Nichel Anderson, M.B.A., a Director, screenwriter, producer, and an online instructor as well as a motivational speaker conducting webinars and master leadership classes. She was featured in Essence Magazine for the "Corporate America: Surviving Your Journey Towards Success" as the Corporate Climber Bible to reach success. She worked as a columnist for the Harlem Renaissance at and currently produces inspiring productions from stage to SAG film and the author of Mitsrayim (MOLIAE).