
A Memoir Of A Past Life
In Ancient Egypt

by Nichel Anderson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/24/2004

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 230
ISBN : 9780595669356
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 230
ISBN : 9780595782420
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 230
ISBN : 9780595334445

About the Book

Mitsrayim enthralls the reader with spiritual themes and exotic settings. Ms. Anderson is one of the best writers that I have read at marrying the characters to the action. -By Thomas Martin, Crossings and Reflections,

Anderson takes a persuasive and passionate approach in the area of reincarnation; she outlines her journey during ancient times. Her past life details a Queen of the land now being called Egypt. From the very beginning, Anderson uses her in-depth research to introduce many phenomenal spiritual experiences and a multitude of characters that unravel through flashbacks of lost memories.

Chapter 5 Profound Thought Creates a New Reality

Mitsrayim represents the love of culture and history, as well as the unknown spiritual power of human beings on earth. Anderson's masterful skill of presentation delivers a compelling story of the belief in reincarnation and The Mystery School of Thought in Mitsrayim (Egypt). The incredible events that led The Great Ancients of the past, and the many visitors from the skies through this mystical time are brought to an explosive conclusion by her amazing recitation. The memoir theme is a life-changing event leaving an impression of spiritual growth that will leave you questioning the unknown. Anderson opens up her soul to reveal her journey through one of her many lifetimes.

About the Author

Nichel Anderson, M.B.A., a Director, screenwriter, playwright, producer, and an online instructor as well as a motivational speaker conducting webinars and master leadership classes. She was featured in Essence Magazine for one of her first published books. She worked as a columnist for the Harlem Renaissance and currently produces inspiring productions from stage to SAG film, which produced this memoir Mitsrayim into the influential production MOLIAE at the official website