Celestial Connections
Book Details
About the Book
In CELESTIAL CONNECTIONS, Part I, Raymond Adams, a United Nations leader in New York City in America, was contacted in 2027 by celestial beings from Plumeria in The Pleaides. Solarian and his Plumerian helpers were able to save the Earth from land, sea, air and water pollution. Solar energy is produced at new, solar fusion plants for use in people's homes, factories and transportation industry from then on.
Raymond Adams fell in love with Zerraya, a Plumerian maiden. They traveled from our solar system to Plumeria billions of miles away. World government was proposed to unite all world leaders on Earth to establish peace, unity, harmony and prosperity for, of and by all the world's citizens.
Part II in CELESTIAL CONNECTIONS is a sequel which describes celestial encounters. War, poverty, starvation and diseases must be overcome. There were UFO invasions on Venus, Mars, Earth and the Moon as well as many solar system planets. Interplanetary leaders from Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune established an interplanetary agreement to protect our solar system from galactic, space wars and destruction. UFO invaders were forced to leave our solar system.
Raymond and Zerraya Adams had three new age children, Lawrence, Ruth and Warren Adams. Lawrence married Serena from Plumeria. They would have new age children on Earth. Lawrence Adams encountered danger from Plutonians from Pluto on the planet Neptune. The Plutonians left Pluto to live on Florean which had a much better climate and living conditions.
The landscapes, living conditions and climates are described on Venus, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Florean in our solar system. Enjoy reading about the challenges, adventures, romance, dangers, problems and celestial connections in our universe.
About the Author
Cecelia Frances Page has published five original screenplays and three original poetry books. Her original screenplays are entitled: Walking In The Light; Flashbacks; Celestial Connections I & II; and Adventures In Lemuria I & II. Her three original poetry books are entitled: Cosmic Dimensions; Vivid Impressions and Significant Introspections. Cecelia France Page has written over five hundred original poems. Several of her poems are published in The World?s Best Poems of 2004 and 2005. Cecelia has been writing since the age of 19. She has written a variety of books published by iUniverse. Some of her books are entitled: Westward Pursuit; Power of Creative and Worthwhile Living; Opportune Times; Imagine If??; Fortunately; Mystical Realities; Magnificent Celestial Journeys; Extraordinary Encounters; Brilliant Candor; Seek Enlightenment Within; Expand Your Awareness; Awaken To Spiritual Illumination; Vivid Memories of Halcyon; Pathways to Spiritual Realization; Celestial Connections and more.
Cecelia Frances Page has a B.A. and M.A. in Education with a focus in English, Speech and Psychology. Cecelia is an excellent pianist. She is a piano and voice teacher, educator, author, philosopher and artist. Cecelia believes that creative abilities and talents can be achieved. Cecelia Frances Page continues to write more worthwhile books to inspire her readers.