by Charles Reap Jr



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/19/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9780595442621
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 190
ISBN : 9780595686179

About the Book

Hank Rogers is delighted when his intelligent yet narcissistic friend, Sam Thompson, buys the huge, old mansion next door that's been vacant for fifteen years. Hank's wife, Bobbie, and the small North Carolina town's proud Preservation Society, are confident that Sam will restore the house to its original glory. But Sam has his own ideas-about home renovation and life in general-that prove to be humorous and bizarre all at the same time.

Although Hank often has great doubts about Sam's numerous quirky and poorly thought-out schemes being properly completed, he helps when asked. Having substituted Sam to fill the void left by his deceased father and older brother, Hank feels an internalized need to have Sam as his "best friend". Yet, he is bothered that Sam does not treat him like an adult and frequently ignores Hank's suggestions.

Bobbie sees her husband catering to Sam's desires and openly voices her concerns, but Hank feels the need to keep Sam as his best buddy. After years of taking advantage of Hank, Sam may have to learn to recognize Hank as an equal.

About the Author

Charles A. Reap Jr., a retired dentist, is a life member in the American Dental Association, the International College of Dentists (Fellow) and the Pierre Fauchard Academy (Fellow). He has published two textbooks and numerous technical articles. He has held many offices in various civic and professional organizations. His first novel, Devil?s Game, was published in 2006. He and his wife, Betty, live near Chapel Hill, North Carolina. They have five children and eight grandchildren.