Last Autumn and Winter
[Poems Out of Minnesota]
Other Books By Author
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About the Book
In Dennis' poetry on Minnesota, he has tried to deliver the engraved impressions he received, that have shaped themselves within the windows and cracks of his mind. Realizing life is not a halo, but rather a task-of the unknown, unseen. Here he tries to bring the unchaining spirit: whatever peculiarities or simplicities they maybe, into the possible. In the beauty of Last Autumn and Winter, of Minnesota, Dennis brings out an echo, a voice and does it politely, as he marches on from autumn to winter.
By Rosa Peñaloza Versión en Español En las poesías de Dennis sobre Minnesota, él trata de entregar las impresiones grabadas que ha recibido, formadas ella mismas dentro de las lumbreras y grietas de su mente. Entendiendo que la vida no es un halo, pero más bien una tarea-de lo desconocido, de lo no visto. Aquí él trata de traer el espíritu de desencadenamiento: cualquiera sean las peculiaridades o simplicidades de ellos tal vez en el posible. En la belleza de Ultimo Otoño e Invierno, de Minnesota, Dennis lanza un eco, una voz y lo hace correctamente mientras él marcha de otoño a invierno. Por Rosa PeñalozaAbout the Author
Dennis L. Siluk ?Winner of Two-International Magazine Columnist Awards.
This is Mr. Siluk?s 32nd book; and his 8th book in poetry. He lives in Minnesota and Peru with his wife. He has a worldwide audience, and has traveled extensively throughout the world. Last Autumn and Winter is dedicated to Minnesotans?