Living With A Phenomenal Memory

How an Ordinary Man Developed Amazing Memorization Skills

by Frank Healy



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/16/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9780595450954
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 146
ISBN : 9780595694419
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 416
ISBN : 9780595894062

About the Book

In 1966, five-year-old Frank Healy was sick and stayed home from school. Bored and too ill to get out of bed, Frank began looking at a calendar and memorized an entire calendar year in a few days. With additional practice, he memorized everything he experienced by making mental notes throughout the day, from decades of Philadelphia weather facts to the history of space flight and a variety of other subjects.

Healy, a life coach who specializes in improving memory, documents events that played a part in developing his superior memory skills and provides insight into his ability to recollect. He describes his techniques, how he mastered them, and what others can do, whether the information is for practical use or simply for entertainment.

With many humorous episodes entwined within, this intriguing memoir includes puzzles, exercises, and tips for developing memory skills. You may not need to memorize the calendar or the daily weather of the past forty years, but Living with a Phenomenal Memory can help you memorize what you do need to know.

Frank Healy is one of approximately twenty people who have been classified as having HSAM Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory. He remembers what happened every day of his life since he was five years old, including the day of the week, weather, news events, and personal experiences. His memory is similar to the character of Carrie Wells, the police detective in the show "Unforgettable". It can be seen on CBS channel 3 on Tuesdays at 10:00 P.M.

About the Author

Frank Healy is one of approximately twenty people who have been classified as having HSAM Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory. He remembers what happened every day of his life since he was five years old, including the day of the week, weather, news events, and personal experiences. His memory is similar to the character of Carrie Wells, the police detective in the show "Unforgettable". It can be seen on CBS channel 3 on Tuesdays at 10:00 P.M.