Then, I Awoke!

A Collection of Nightmares
And Apollo Visions

by LaNelle Kimball



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/14/2007

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9780595475872

About the Book

How can recurring dreams and nightmares affect your life? Then, I Awoke! was written in the hope that by sharing my own personal experiences with recurring dreams and nightmares, others may benefit from them and better understand their own.

Then, I Awoke! is not a dream dictionary, it is simply based on my experiences. I describe the recurring nightmares and dreams, and connect them to my everyday life as they occurred or became intertwined in my cognitive life. The best way to accomplish this was to connect them with little short stories as they evolved in my life.

Twenty-five years of recurring nightmares, visions, and sleepless nights related to the Apollo 1 disaster. Agonizing questions that remained unanswered, all of this and more at one point in my life left me standing alone in the middle of the "Bridge to Nowhere". I began my research to resolve many of these recurring bad dreams and some acceptable conclusions.

This is my story, this has been my journey and these are my "Connections and Final Conclusions."

About the Author

LaNelle Kimball is the second born daughter to an electrician of 41 years for a Major Oil Company in Texas. She has been recording her recurring dreams and nightmares since she was seven-years-old. She is an avid outdoors person, a lover of sports and animals, and describes herself as very religious.