Visions From Lilyýs Pad

by Lily Heyen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/15/2007

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 352
ISBN : 9780595873586
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 352
ISBN : 9780595430178

About the Book

Brimming with the joy and passion of life, this heartfelt collection of poetry and prose is a brilliant legacy to the world from a woman who lived life to its absolute fullest-Lily Heyen.

Although she succumbed to cancer in May 2005 at age fifty-five, Lily's mark upon friends, family, and even strangers will never be forgotten. A highly educated, career-oriented world traveler, Lily was above all a loving mother and wife who valued her friendships-no matter where in the world that friend might be.

Blessed with a quick wit and a wry sense of humor, a love for animals and nature, and a gift for empathy, Lily channeled these characteristics into her poetry and short stories. Whether she scribbled her thoughts on a restaurant napkin or penned them in a well-loved notebook, her words echoed the essence of her soul and often reflected the circumstances around her at any given time.

I Am: Visions From Lily's Pad reflects the life of a truly remarkable woman who will forever be immortalized in the words that flowed straight from her heart.

About the Author

Lily Heyen succumbed to cancer at the age of fifty-five. She had careers in marketing and journalism, but most importantly, she was a loving mother and wife.