Stolen Innocence

Parental Kidnapping
Through a Child's Eyes

by Lisa Defausses



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/25/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 98
ISBN : 9780595442492

About the Book

This is a story of the survival of two young children who were abducted by their mother. Lisa, nine and Sean, eight were abducted during a weekend visit on November 14, 1980. This is Lisa's story of the worst five years of her life. Lisa and Sean were moved back and forth across the U.S.A. and Canada. They were relocated every one to six months, in order to avoid being found. Stolen Innocence is a collection of Lisa's memories of those five years.

About the Author

Lisa Defausses was born in Windsor, Ontario, in 1970. After a long custody battle, her Biological Mother decided to abduct her brother and her. Lisa is a single mother of three teenagers, living in Southwest Ontario, Canada. The writing of Stolen Innocence was a huge obstacle for Lisa to put behind her. She is now ready to begin her new life.