From The Farthest Hills of Elsewhere
Book Details
About the Book
Darwin says we evolved into men over millions of years. True or not?
Every million years - sometimes more, sometimes less - a wholly new "model" of hominid or near-mad appeared out of nowhere.
It did not "evolve". There was nobody in between. What Thomas Huxley called "genetic islands". No hominid stood on an earlier one's shoulders: one or two million years, unchanged, he vanished, without descendents.
Someone - or something - was designing hominids and man with incredible intelligence.
An English software specialist takes holidays in New Delhi: he meets two Indian gurus, with uncanny mental powers.
The gurus bring together some scientists, to argue about the "evolution" of man. Is this a material world where atoms put themselves together, and we vanish into dust when we die? - or does a Designer of inconceivable Intelligence create us?
In the second part of the book, they take a train across India and talk about people who have died in recent years - in this generation, about 15,000,000 - who have gone to heaven - and come back into their bodies. All 15 million tell the same story.
Spirits going in and out of the material world.
About the Author
Noel Stevens worked as a journalist in Australia with United Press International. In Spain he gave conversation classes in English to top businessmen and built up a wide circle of friends and contacts. He has written 30 books.