Book Details
About the Book
This is a murder mystery that begins with the noisy re-union of two very crusty, wise-cracking old-timers who won't accept a coroner's verdict of suicide for the death of one of their old friends. Their rowdy verbal treatment of each other, rough as it appears to others, seems to be simply the result of spending a lot of years together as they grew up, then through the rough and tumble world of construction during their working years when they had to rely on each other's judgement, ingenuity and people-handling skills as well as their physical prowess and craftsmanship. Now they've been presented with perhaps the greatest single challenge of their lives: solving a murder...and they revel in that too!
Mike Danford is a retired corporate bureaucrate whose passion is writing unusual adventure/romance stories with a humorous approach and some real people and real incidents included.
About the Author
Mike Danford: Tall Tales Alive and Well in the Nineties
Born in the hill country of Texas and raised on the legends of Pecos Bill and Slue Foot Sue, storytelling just comes naturally to this former member of the "corporate bureaucracy".
In the spirit of the tall tales of early American folklore, comes Mike Danford's new book No Sudden Moves! That this story captures all the flavor of a yarn spun out while settin' on the front porch on a summer's eve is no surprise once you've spoken to the author. With a soft Texas drawl and a casual writing style born of a childhood filled with cowboys and cattle drives , Mike's first book is, literally a dream come true.
During his tenure in the corporate world, Danford started writing parables for the company newsletter, some of which were later printed in the local newspapers. "A small following developed to the point that I was kinda surprised and even embarrassed when strangers in the grocery stores would talk to me like I was an old friend." After retiring early from his job, "because I felt I just had better things to do", this father of five began writing full time; turning a habit formed of his love of telling stories for the amusement of others, into a new vocation.
Through a story who's life started as a dream, Danford's tale of a bear that learns to talk is an expression of his feelings about the misunderstood critters in this world. Noting that "most bears ain't really man-eating boogey men when treated with the respect due them in their space", Danford uses humor and an entertaining writing style to tell a tale filled with "lil nuggets of fact" about grizzlys. Facts gained through months of research in the Pacific Northwest where Danford now makes his home.
This may be Danford's first book, but it certainly will not be his last. With No Sudden Moves! only just recently published, he has two more books nearly finished and the seeds of a fourth are germinating.