The Final Call. Our Last Chance to Save America!


by Bill Gaede



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/24/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 72
ISBN : 9780595482795

About the Book

If you, like the author, are disgusted with politicians and tired of business as usual in Washington DC, read this book. If you would like to get actively involved in making a difference that might actually benefit America, read this book. If you are a Christian or a conservative or both, you will likely enjoy this read. It discusses the War on Terror, abortion, education, solving the political mess in Washington, solving the immigration fiasco and more. This is an equal opportunity book, it skewers politicians in both parties. Try it, you'll like it!

About the Author

Bill Gaede is a second time author, having just recently published a book titled, America Has Lost Its Way...AGAIN! That work could well be the introduction to this one and for sure was the inspiration behind The Final Call. Our Last Chance to Save America!

Bill?s expertise in the area of his choice of subject matter, would be his keen eye for articles and snippets of important and timely information that blends for easy reading and consumption by the reader.