The Night Heron's Scream

Flash Fiction

by Jack Swenson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/3/2007

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9780595906864
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 196
ISBN : 9780595463930

About the Book

I get inspirations for my stories in some odd places and at some strange times. I wrote one of these stories after a shower one morning as I was putting on my clothes and drying my hair.

Some of the stories are rewrites of old ones, but most of them are new. In this collection I have tried to avoid cute or self-promoting stories, some of which polluted my earlier efforts. There's nothing heroic, nothing cute here. At least that was my goal.

If you like bite-sized reads, I think you will like these stories. You can read the book at a sitting or a story or two at a time. Take the book to bed with you and read a couple of these little tales before the Sandman gets there. Pleasant dreams.

About the Author

Jack Swenson lives in one of the blue states way out west. He scribbles in his spare time. He writes flash and micro fiction and occasionally a longer story. He is also working on a novel about the citizens of a small town named Restless Leg. He urges you to buy his books; if and when the publisher pays up, he will donate the cash to animal charities.