Liberal Hearts and Conservative Brains
The Correlation between Age and Political Philosophy
Book Details
About the Book
"Talk radio hosts seem to believe conservatives are from Mars and liberals are from Venus-two different species, in other words. Ron Lipsman's new book uses a mix of rational analysis and personal history to suggest there may be deeper psychological laws at work here that help shape our worldviews. He's on to something!"
-Elias Crim, Publishing Consultant.
Professor Lipsman
- argues for a correlation between age and political philosophy, which asserts that young people tend to gravitate toward liberalism while older people are usually more comfortable with conservatism; and that, additionally, among the people who change their political preference over time, more go from liberal to conservative than vice versa; and finally, he assesses the strengths of these trends;
- examines the most interesting counter-examples to these trends--namely, premature conservatives and aging liberals-and explains what motivates them;
- presents a history of the liberal/conservative divide in America and then augments it with an assessment of its current status as well as a prediction of its future;
"An insightful and witty examination of the values and beliefs that divide liberals and conservatives in America today. A penetrating look at the concept of the 'aging liberal', especially as it pertains to the Jewish and academic communities."
-Bruce Bartlett, nationally syndicated columnist
About the Author
Ron Lipsman is Senior Associate Dean and Professor of Mathematics in the College of Computer, Mathematical and Physical Sciences at the University of Maryland. He has a Bachelor of Science degree from the City College of New York and a Ph.D. in Mathematics from M.I.T. He is the author or co-author of eleven books dealing with mathematics and computing. He has also published more than 70 scientific research articles and is the editor of numerous mathematical research volumes. Recently, he published YOU CAN DO THE MATH: How to Overcome your Math Phobia and Make Better Financial Decisions, a financial self-help manual for the math-challenged people of America. He divides his time between College Park and Garrett County in Western Maryland, and his interests oscillate between math and science on the one hand and politics and history on the other.