Paw Talk

Lessons on Living From Man's Best Friend

by Stephen Mathis



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/11/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9780595010677

About the Book

More than 56 million American households have dogs they consider members of their family! If these dogs could talk they may wag a tale similar to this story, inspired by an old canine and pug dog named, "Buster". You will be entertained and humored how this most unusual shaman works his own pedigree of magic as a member of his household family. Affectionately known as "man's best friend", a dog is in the relationship business and some dogs develop extraordinary people skills. Our pets' behavior offers us many lessons and insights on how to improve our own relationships. That is what this book "talks" about! Read this, and you too will be a believer!

This book makes interesting reading for a few good reasons. It may be the first "dog diary" ever published! It is a family story. It is a story about how "traditional" and "sacred" family values are relevant to our survival and enjoyment of a good life - from a dog's perspective, of course!

If you don't have a dog in your life, you may want one after reading this! Or, if you do have a pet, you will gain a new appreciation for that loved one!

About the Author

A pet owner, Steve Mathis lives with a Chinese pug dog, named “Buster” who is 15 years of age and a very spoiled cat, “Miss Kitty”, aged 10 years. To keep them living in the style to which they have become accustomed, he must work as a educator, counselor, sales manager, writer, and career consultant in California. Mr. Mathis lives in Laguna Beach and Los Angeles, California with his “kids”.