Freedom is a Gift of God

America and the American immigrants

by Yonas R. Berhane



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/15/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9780595483921
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 130
ISBN : 9780595718177

About the Book

My first year in America was so exciting. I will never forget the warm welcome of support and friendship I received. It’s hard for me to describe what an incredible feeling I had at that time.

With passion and clarity; gleaned from his own experiences and from good old-fashioned common sense, Yonas R. Berhane has given us a great look into freedom in America. He starkly compares this with the despair of endless others in this world living with little or no hope. He says that we all come to this earth as a gift from God -- a gift that comes with certain rights and obligations. We are all obligated to one another in various ways to protect our rights.

Freedom is a Gift of God is far more than just my personal story. This book also covers many challenges we face in the post 911 era and the alarming growth and proliferation of terror groups in East Africa and the Middle East which grew from the tragic story of the multitudes forced to live in squalid conditions of extreme poverty.

This book explored the role of immigrants in America, who make positive contributions and the miss-representations in America media. As we know, America honors the heritage of all. America provides safe haven for all who sincerely seek prosperity and freedom. Yonas offers personal passion, explains relevant theories, and presses a need for genuine change.

About the Author

An East African immigrant, YONAS R. BERHANE has a passion for freedom and loves America. Mr. Yonas is a prime example for a newcomer; he has gone from busboy to an author in a little over sixteen years. He hopes to inspire fellow immigrants to achieve their dreams by encouraging them to work hard and to play by the rule. America indeed has always been the great hope on the horizon, an open door to the future, a prosperous land of opportunity and promise nation for all.