ROWvotions Volume VI

The Devotional Book of Rivers of the World

by Ben Mathes



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/3/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 72
ISBN : 9780595535194

About the Book

Rivers of the World (ROW) is a not-for-profit Christian ministry that targets remote river basins. Our goal is to serve with people who live in these river basins and those we serve determine our projects. We ask them what makes up their greatest challenges and covenant with them to meet and overcome those challenges together. ROW emphasizes that it is their country, their village, their culture, but our problem. Our goal is to serve in an atmosphere of mutual concern and respect. ROW projects run the gamut of human, physical and spiritual needs. Academics, research, education and medical/dental concerns go hand-in-hand with church planting, construction, evangelism and Bible distribution.

About the Author

Dr. Ben Mathes is the president of Rivers of the World (ROW), an international exploration and development agency. In addition, he is the author of ROWvotions and Lessons From the Forest, an audio book and DVD series. To learn more about ROW, please visit