America, The Daughter of Babylon
Book Details
About the Book
America, the Daughter of Babylon deals with the prophetic future of the United States of America. The Bible reveals that there will be a second nation of Babylon, which is described in detail throughout scripture and can be identified as America.
The bible not only identifies America, but also gives detailed accounts of future events concerning her. God has much to say to us today about our relationship to Babylon and the Babylonian religion.
This book reveals that many of the symbols of the Babylonian religion that was created by Lucifer himself, King of Babylon, are displayed as American symbols throughout her Capitol. The American Capitol itself is linked directly to the founding of Babel by its cornerstone.
About the Author
The author taught bible college courses in eschatology and comparative religions for 12 years. He founded and headed a research ministry for 10 years during the 1980's. He is active in a Denver based ministry and also writes and records his own gospel music.