Olympic Act

An Event of Biological Warfare in a Contemporary Setting

by Bill Gross



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 6/28/2000

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 176
ISBN : 9780595004201

About the Book

Olympic Act is a fictional account about a CIA agent who becomes the action officer in a counter terrorism program involving biological warfare attacks against NATO and other United States interests. For the most part, the book is a first person description as though the agent was relating his actions, and his qualifications and background, to the reader. The action portion of Olympic Act is based wholly in a contemporary setting; involving the current (1999-2000) geo-political scene as it exists in the Trans-Caucasus region of the Russian Federation. The book delves into national and international political aspirations and problems; and it cites many of the inter-actions found in that environment. It specifically addresses the Russian Federation and its wants and needs to restore itself to a position of prominence and power, under Valdimir Putin. It shows interactions between the Russian Federation and the European Union; and it addresses the effects of rising Islamic political power throughout the Middle East.

About the Author

Olympic Act is a fictional account about a CIA agent who becomes the action officer in a counter terrorism program involving biological warfare attacks against NATO and other United States interests. For the most part, the book is a first person description as though the agent was relating his actions, and his qualifications and background, to the reader.