Chinook Pass


by Rain Chetdav



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 5/27/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 246
ISBN : 9780595226801

About the Book

Chinook Pass invites readers to go on a unique, life-changing journey with the author, Army sergeant Rain Chetdav, through the beautiful, panoramic landscapes of Switzerland for a vigorous snowboard season; eyewitness the horror, and an unforgettable killing field during the United Nations and NATO’s 1999 Kosovo Campaign--see war at its best through the eyes of the author and witness the ultimate sacrifice of men and women in the battle rattle uniforms; observe the camaraderie of the troops developed during the moments of intense confusion of a devastating firefight.

Next, Chinook Pass takes readers with the author as he travels across the Continent of the United States, drives from Atlanta, Georgia to Tacoma, Washington State, Fort Lewis, where the author finalized his last two-years in the Service.

Witness the happiness of friendships, the horror of the 1999 Kosovo Campaign, the solitary drive across the United States, new friendships and foes as the author discovered at Portland Avenue Baptist Church, the new responsibility of being newly promoted to the rank of Sergeant, a new chapter of vigorous snowboarding at Crystal Mountain, and the new horizon of belief in the Almighty God through life experiences despite the pandemonium and disarray of an unpredictable, alien environment.

About the Author

Army SGT Chetdav was assigned to the Republic of South Korea as of August 2002. SGT Chetdav earned a B.A. Degree in mathematics. After his one final year in the Army, SGT Chetdav will start teaching at local junior colleges and in universities.