Ruthie's Kids

Tough love from a tough Mom.

by Bob Weir



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/24/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 234
ISBN : 9780595234417

About the Book

The true story of 7 kids being raised by a single mother in the slums of lower East Side Manhattan during the 1950's. A tale of growing up poor and struggling for dignity as seen through the eyes of one of her sons. The sometimes poignant, often humorous, but always grateful description of a mother's relentless struggle to keep her family together despite the challenges of poverty, crime, and the well-meaning social agencies that would have separated them. Nurtured by a bare-knuckled mother who used fear to keep them in line, Ruthie's Kids will be forever indebted to the woman who understood the meaning of "tough love" before it became a fashionable cliche. Thanks to her courage and commitment, 7 kids survived the urban jungle, ended the welfare dependency, and became productive citizens.

About the Author

Bob Weir is a former NYC police officer with more than ten years of undercover investigations and over 500 felony arrests to his credit. His first book, City To Die For chronicles the attempted takeover of Dallas, Texas, by the Mafia in the 1940's. Bob also wrote, Powers That Be, a story of government collusion with organized crime.