Another Story
Short Stories
Book Details
About the Book
Three short stories. 1."Run Your G-string Up The Flagpole And See If It's Perestroika." A satirical novella about the end of Communism in Russia. The uniqueness and absurdity of the historical situation is beautifully related through lovable and laughable characters, comical interactions, lively dialogues, and sarcastic descriptive passages. An exhilarating page-turner. 2. "Vofkulak." A werewolf horror story with a futuristic twist. Fascinating phantasmagoric imagery and rhythmical prose create a thrilling, but disturbing atmosphere. 3. "Crawling Through Life, Tanks." A short-lived romance between a handsome Comintern agent and a L.A. blond in the 1920's ends up in Stalin's Russia. Tragic and beautiful.
About the Author
Emma Krasov, a graduate of Kiev State University (Ukraine) worked as a screenwriter, movie critic, and journalist. In Chicago, taught a class "Russian Cinema" in the Facets Cinematheque. Worked for the Field Museum; wrote an article on Russian political history, included in a book Kremlin Gold. Recently moved to California.