
A young man’s simple dreams, which turned into very real and deadly visions...

by Lawrence Birk



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/14/2001

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 364
ISBN : 9780595206551

About the Book

Have you ever dreamed and afterwards had it come true? Have you ever had the desire to change things and, after seeing your wish in a dream or vision, it occurred? Meet Larry Bennett, a young man growing up in the 1950’s, who has an enormous power much greater than he ever wanted to accept or imagine. Larry had a tremendous fear of his visions; yet he knew it was useless to try and change them. What started as simple dreams, became real visions of murderous acts and deaths… Where was Larry getting this power that he knew he could never tell anyone about, and yet could do nothing to prevent? Why?… How could this be happening to him?… He prayed to God to lift his burden, or take himself in death to end the incubus. Follow this fast paced, extraordinary journey in the life of Larry Bennett’s dreams and visions. A life that’s filled with love, romance, compassion… and his dreams and sometimes-deadly visions, that he sadly resigned himself to an acceptance of whatever would come.

About the Author

Lawrence James Birk passed away in November of 1999 from Lymphoma, at the age of 64. His wife of 43 years, four children and seven grandchildren survives him. Lawrence had a strong passion for writing, with his extraordinary book LARRY being his first and regrettably last book he had published.