Fired With Enthusiasm II

A Take-Charge Game Plan For A Quick Career Comeback

by Tom Lonergan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/11/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9780595220830

About the Book

“You’re fired.” Few words are more devastating. Yet in today’s atmosphere of corporate downsizing, they are uttered far too frequently. Now there’s help and hope. Fired With Enthusiasm, by Tom Lonergan shows you how to deal with sudden career change and how to make your work and your life more fulfilling than they were before you were handed that pink slip.

Fired With Enthusiasm pulls no punches. Lonergan shows you how to take control of your own career by figuring out why bad things happen and how you can anticipate them Then he shows you how to overcome the trauma of losing your job and arms you with what you need to go out and find a better one.

Written for both out-of-work professionals as well as people contemplating a career change, Fired gives you the tools to craft an effective personal employment plan and the know-how to execute it. Part self-help manual, part pep talk, part business plan, Fired With Enthusiasm is the take-charge blueprint you need for a quick and powerful career comeback.

About the Author

Tom Lonergan has founded three hi-tech companies, run fifty marathons and sold millions of dollars of data communications software to the Fortune 500. He has written three books, lectured, hired hundreds of employees and been forced through three wrenching career turn-arounds himself.