Taking No For An Answer

All You Need To Know About Sales and Life

by Tom Lonergan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 3/26/2002

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9780595222285

About the Book

Ninety percent of all sales people never bother to ask for the business. That's because most sales professionals are afraid of No. They fear questions, objections and rejections, and this kills more sales opportunities than any other single cause. By demonstrating how and when to properly ask for the business, Taking No For An Answer shows sales people how to increase earnings while helping their customers reach comfortable and informed buying decisions. There is no magic here. This is not an alternative to hard work or the willingness to ask, ask, ask. Taking No relies on fundamental counseling techniques, rather than hard sell gimmickry-techniques which can contribute to success in everything we do.

About the Author

Tom Lonergan is the author of Fired With Enthusiasm. He has founded three hi-tech companies and sold millions of dollars of data communications software to the Fortune 500. He has spent the last three years researching modern sales practices, participating in hundreds of sales calls, interviews and corporate training seminars.