Tales from a Korean Maiden in America

by Dorothy M. Hong



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 7/21/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9780595283903
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 64
ISBN : 9781469720180

About the Book

This book proves into hearsays surrounding Koreans in America. My writings illustrate how race has impacted my life and other Koreans vis-à-vis white Americans.

I wrote articles to illustrate the interplay of my Korean heritage on my minority status. The range of social issues that I touch upon in my articles includes affirmative action, dating, church life, sexual harassment, volunteerism, sorority life, dorm life, politics, travel and the psycho-dynamics of my relationships with white peers, Koreans abroad, Korean visitors and other Korean immigrants.

My short stories identify my disillusionments with some of the disingenuous elements of racial integration. My short stories touch upon issues ranging from racism, sexism, lookism, abortion, homosexuality, and anti-social behaviors. Anti-social behaviors towards a person of racial minority range from a certain curt unfriendliness to maintain distance to abhorrent crimes perpetrated against a person of racial minority in order to maintain status quo due to the notion that minority achievements manifest disruption to status quo. My stories poke fun at these ill at ease individuals with racial integration.

About the Author

Dorothy Hong was born in Seoul, South Korea. She grew up in Seoul, Tokyo and New York City, and currently lives in Bronxville, New York. While working at a Taiwan based bank on Madison Avenue, she periodically submitted articles focusing on Asian American issues to Korean American newsletters for publication.