Poetry: Visions of Love and Ideals

by Fabian



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 1/3/2006

Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 62
ISBN : 9780595816170
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 62
ISBN : 9780595372195

About the Book

Poetry: Visions of Love and Ideals is a diverse collection of verse-interspersed with passion and humor-that focuses on love, relationships, and the personal reflections that weave a compelling story.

Fabian, a seasoned songwriter, divides his collection into four chapters-Love, Carnal, Picture It, and Ideals. With lines such as "Truth and love are a marriage of two; I never knew the truth until I met you," and "My exploratory self had been lying on a shelf, until you came along and awakened it with your personal touch," Fabian explores both genuine and unrequited love with a unique perspective. His personal and provocative style is reflected in the poem "Caress," as he lyrically demonstrates a sensual massage with the tender words "Slowly and lovingly, I glide my masculine hands over the gyrating pores of your baby soft skin." Fabian tackles the question "What is fulfillment?" in his final chapter as he delves into discovering his purpose and spiritual enlightenment.

In Poetry: Visions of Love and Ideals, Fabian's introspective words will not only intrigue and awaken your soul but also will encourage you to explore your own ideals, relationships, and how you express your love. (and expressions of love.)

About the Author

Fabian is an accomplished songwriter who cowrites songs for an independent record label. He lives in New York.