The Categorical Imperative of a Confucian Evil Demon in America

A Compilation of Essays in Philosophy

by Jonathan Bowen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 4/18/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9780595355013

About the Book

The Categorical Imperative of a Confucian Evil Demon in America is a compilation of 41 essays in aesthetics, ethics, philosophy of science, political philosophy, metaphysics, and religion. It even has essays covering one of the most important questions in philosophy: What is the best life? The essays within are varied and tied together only by their connection to the broad discipline of philosophy, much like the title of the book itself. The essays give a sample of Bowen's work in more than 75 credits of philosophy classes at two universities over four consecutive academic years.

Readers looking for a limited sample of philosophical writing on Confucian philosophy, the Constitution of the United States, political history, various forms of artwork, ethical dilemmas, and the conflict between free will and determinism will learn much from this compilation of essays in various philosophical disciplines.

About the Author

Jonathan L. Bowen graduated from Oregon State University summa cum laude with a BS in Philosophy in the winter of 2005. He has always enjoyed deep conversations and examining life?s bigger questions. He currently lives in Portland, Oregon where he continues to philosophize.