America and the Mythology of Greatness

by Joseph Aprile



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/26/2004

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9780595326914
Format : E-Book
Dimensions : N/A
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9780595774975

About the Book

The United States, with its wealth of natural resources, expansive frontiers and diverse populations, has always been endowed with great potential. The possibilities inherent in the American nation are being squandered, however, by the arrogance of power. Those in power regard the free and vital political expression of the vast majority of people as a threat to their authority. Any real movement for a change in the political, social and economic order is seen as a threat to the status quo. The members of Congress have themselves been corrupted by both power and the corporate interests that they have become dependent upon.

In this book, the mythology of greatness that is used so effectively in support of an extremist national agenda, is examined and challenged. The delusional self image of America's moral superiority in the world is countered with an honest appraisal of its actual behavior. An alternative national image is suggested, if there is to be hope for resolving the political, social and economic imbalances between the rich and poor nations that feed the ever expanding violence in the world.

About the Author

Joseph Aprile is a resident of Seattle, Washington. He has been a social activist most of his adult life, is a published author and has been working in the areas of science and technology.