America Leads All and Other Poems

by Parry



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 9/29/2003

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 52
ISBN : 9780595295210

About the Book

The book is a collection of poems of general interest written in easy English and rhyme throughout. Some are serious, and others are written with light humor a child's perspective. It is a good family possession with poetry for both the casual and the serious reader. Readers speak: This book is a wonderful collection of poems..... "America Leads" summarized lot of events in a nutshell! Parry's reminder on "Nine Eleven" was emotional. Gowri Shah (California) This book appeals to a wide range of people from the seriousness of some of the poems to the child-like manner of others. I would recommend this........ Christina (California)

About the Author

Parry is a graduate engineer from India where he worked in the cement industry. Married for 45 years he now lives in the United States with his children. He is deeply interested in the Hindu religion, and also likes to spend time writing poetry. This is his first book.