Dominique Cantrell, First Citizen of America

The Decline and Restoration of the American Republic, a Fictional Trilogy: Volume II

by Paul Seifert



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 8/15/2005

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 238
ISBN : 9780595364046

About the Book

Dominique Cantrell, First Citizen of America is the second of three general/science fiction novels concerned with the future of American society.

The stability of our representative democracy is taken for granted by most Americans. And yet, a careful study of history suggests that economic, social, and political forces at work in contemporary America represent an internal threat to the survival of the greatest democratic republic in human history.

The novels comprising this trilogy are concerned with these forces and serve as cautionary tales. The Certification of America, Volume I in the series, suggested that the historically unprecedented polarization of wealth that is happening in the United States today could progress to class warfare and the establishment of a plutocracy. Dominique Cantrell, First Citizen of America raises the even more disturbing possibility that our treasured liberty could be lost to dictatorship and tyranny.

Lincoln warned that if the American Republic is destroyed, we the people will be responsible. Reform is possible. Steps could be taken to prevent the events described in these novels from happening.

As Nevil Shute suggested in On the Beach, an apocalyptic story about nuclear holocaust, there is still time.

About the Author

Paul Seifert, M.D. is a retired physician who devoted his professional career to medical education. He lives and writes in Petoskey, Michigan. He has been a life-long advocate of liberal political causes.

Dr. Seifert?s interest in creative writing has led to several publications.

?Cowboy O?Rourke and the Big Brass Band,? is a novel excerpt published in The Third Coast: Contemporary Michigan Fiction (Wayne State University Press, 1982). Three novels, The Man Who Could Read Minds; Rachel & Annie; and Corridor O, are currently in print.

Dominique Cantrell, First Citizen of America is the second novel in a series entitled The Decline and Restoration of the American Republic, a Fictional Trilogy. Volume I, The Certification of America, was published in 2004. That book received an Editor?s Choice Award from the publisher, iUniverse. A finalist for novel of the year in the 2004 Norumbega Fiction Awards, The Certification of America was awarded an honorable mention for literary excellence.

Paul Seifert has also published two short stories: ?The Blues Singer,? (Aldebaran Literary Magazine, Roger Williams University, 1992/93) and ?The Transformation,? (Mediphors, A Literary Journal of the Health Professions, Fall/Winter 1994).

Short stories and novel excerpts are available on-line at